Sunday, 29 September 2013


we decided to spend the day in old Santa Fe and explore the old city…this is a very laid back place which is dominated, strangely enough, by native jewelry/pottery stores - I kid you not. The sheer volume of stores and galleries is mind boggling…as well as the stores there are various versions of street vendor to add to the extensive choices…if you ask enough questions (Linda generally does) you discover that the various items for sale are sourced from all over the world as well as locally….you would need way more than one day to even scratch the surface…(I'm sure I don't speak for everyone when I say that)….and there is not much evidence of iother ndustry or commerce in this city - I'd have to say that the government is the main employer next to the retail industry….we toured the state capital building and were treated to some incredible art pieces in the capital hall galleries…..downtown Santa Fe has tried to preserve the original historical architectural look……7000 feet above sea level, 90 degrees in the shade and you almost feel like you have stepped into the old, old west (air conditioning, VISA and public washroom toilet paper excluded of course)…..….we happened upon a very busy Santa Fe restaurant, Tia Sophiia,…..the food was amazing and really inexpensive (that sound that you hear in the background is me purring)……we sit in the Plaza, it was originally made over 300 years ago….definitely carries you to that place where you wonder just what those pioneers were thinking way back then??……dooweeooweeooooooooooooo (name that tune!

dozens of outdoor sculptures are found throughout the downtown area...
 the state capitol building is open to the public and features artwork done by prominent New Mexico artists....

 as if Linda hasn't had enough of my bull this trip!!

 red peppers hang as decorations on these great old buildings (very festive and convenient when those culinary oopsies occur)......

364 days of sunshine a year provides the locals with unique gardening opportunities....

one ass trying to impose his will over another about 2 asses having a tug of war - - bahdahbing!

the St. Francis Cathedral.....

 the Scottish Presbyterian Church.....

San Miguel...the oldest church in the U.S.........

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