Friday, 17 January 2014


we are told that access to the Haast Pass will not be provided until at least 10:00AM….we grab a coffee and wait…….at about 9:30 we get into line but at 10:00 the status is that no access will be provided at least until 2:00PM……it’s a 6 hour back track north to take the inland route but we decide to do it…..we could be stranded in Haast another night and that would not be good…..we head back north and make our way through Arthur’s Pass…’s really beautiful and the clouds begin to thin out and give way to blue sky….we drive through Castle Hill which was used a lot in LOTR but we don’t have time to stop….the first place with possible accommodations is well ahead so we gasp at the beauty but don’t take any photos…..we hit Geraldine at 7:30 and manage to find a place 4 km south of town which is a farm trailer park with some cabins….the kitchen is clean and we have some gumbo and salad…..not bad….a little game of euchre, some wine and we’re done…’s pretty warm even when we go to sleep……we are glad to be back in the sun…..

the road out of Arthur's Pass promises sunshine......

it's almost 7:00pm and I am almost out of gas but stop anyway for a photo.....

sometimes it's worthwhile to stop even when you need to keep going.....

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