Saturday, 18 January 2014


we manage to get up and get to the dolphin centre on time…..good times squeezing into full diving regalia that early but we get it done…..after orientation we get on the bus that takes us to the boat that takes us to the dolphins……the crew is optimistic and the sun is shining…..I’m just happy about the sun but an encounter with some dusky dolphins would be pretty sweet……it’s not long before they appear and the enthusiasm is evident…..we stop, get into the water and they are everywhere… have to get their attention with “calls” through your snorkel….I start singing Herbie Hancock’s Dolphin Dance which seems to do the trick….they are playful and curious and if you make eye contact and try to turn with them they maintain extended contact with you….pretty amazing stuff…..despite several noses full of salt water and pretty high ocean swells, we spend over an hour swimming with them at this and another location…..of 14 original swimmers, 7 or 8 get sick almost immediately so the rest of us have pretty clear access and the dolphins are not shy……beyond expectations….this colony of dusky dolphins numbers over 400…..after our swim, we stay with the group and they put on a show - back flips, swimming upside down, double jumps - you name it……our little group has enjoyed this experience a great deal…..we head back to town and the sun is still shining but not as much….we just managed to get it in…..very cool….

yea, we're looking for dolphins....I don't know, maybe happy ones...any kind will do!.....really!

kinda looks like swimmers looking for dolphins and dolphins looking for swimmers....

maybe if Ido this!!

by chance, have you seen any dolphins around here??

that way??

wait a minute!

that's what I'm talking about!

duskys everywhere...later we go topside to watch them play with the boat.....

they love jumping....sometimes in 2s and 3s......360 back flips, you name it!!

this is a 360 back flip.....

this is a junior albatross looking pretty ambivalent to it all......

ah....excuse me!

this is a Kaikoura travel ad photo........

heading home.....after an amazing experience!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi everyone! Trudy here, long time friend of Cathy's - sending greetings from Canada. I just couldn't resist adding a comment...what an awesome adventure you're having, it's a trip of a life time. One beautiful scene after another...just amazing! Thanks so much for sharing...can't wait for the next update! :o)
